IELTS Vocabulary Note

IELTS Vocabulary

Word list 1


  1. sorb 吸收
  2. sent 送
  3. solut 松开
  4. us 使用
  5. tarct 拉,抽
  6. celer 快速的
  7. cess 走
  8. cumul 堆积
  9. bat 走
  10. apt 适合的


  1. abate v. 减轻,降价

    a(加强) + bate(减弱,减少)

    ​This action can’t abate his bad habits.

  2. abhorrent adj. 可恶的,可恨的

    ab(加强) + horr(发抖) + ent(形容词后缀)

    ​Ever since he started stealing, He’s been abhorrent.

  3. abide v. 遵守,逗留;容忍,忍受

    a (加强)+ bide(停留)

    ​We need to abide the law, else we will be punished.

  4. abode* n. 房屋,家

    right of abode 居住权; fixed abode 固定住所

    ​I enjoy to living in my small but cozy abode.

  5. abound* vi. 丰富,充满

    a(一个) + bound(界限,范围) 所有物品都在一个区域内 丰富,充满

    ​My computer drive is abound with galgame.

  6. absenteeism* n. 旷课;旷工

    absent + ee(代表人) + ism 旷课;旷工

    ​The China company dislike their sutff have absenteeism, because it will dcrease the productivity.

  7. absolute* adj. 完全的,绝对的,纯粹的

    ab(加强) + solut(松开) + e 完全松开 完全的,信任的

    ​Your answer was absolute incorrect.

  8. absorb* v. 吸收;吸引…的注意,使全神贯注

    ab(离去) + sorb(吸收) + 吸掉 吸收

    ​He absorb teacher attention by shout the correct answer out.

  9. abstract* adj. 抽象的

    abs + tract 抽象化

    ​The extand math is partly abstract.

    1. abstraction n. 抽象
  10. absurd* adj. 荒谬的,荒唐的

    Currently, the societies is absurd.

  11. abundance* n. 大量,丰富,充足,充裕

    来自abundant (adj. 丰富的,充裕的)

    At the party, there was food and drink in abundance.

  12. academic* adj. 学院的;学术的;不切实际的;n. 学者;大学教授

    The academic research what we are doing now will impact our GPA.

  13. accelerate v. 加速;促进

    ac(=to) + celer(快速的) + ate(使…) 加速;促进

    He’s accelerating our productivity.

  14. accessible adj. 能接近的;易达到的

    He pointed his telescope to every accessible part of the sky and recorded what he saw.

  15. accessory* n. 附件,零件;服装搭配物,装饰品;同谋,帮凶

    ​ac(附近) + cess(走) + ory 接近主题的部分 附件,零件 :

    My sister buys a lot of accessories but doesn’t use these.

  16. acclaim* vt. 向…欢呼,为…喝彩 n. 称赞;欢迎

    ac(向) + claim(大声欢呼) 想某人大声叫喊 为…欢呼

    There’s lots to see and to do, including the internationally- acclaimed climbing wall built on the site of the old aquarium.

  17. acclimatise* v. 适应新环境

    After a couple of days to acclimatise yourself, you’ll start the trek on day three walking through the enormous Katiba Forest which will take the whole of the day.

  18. accommodation* n. 住处

    ac + commod(看作common, 普通的) + ation(名词后缀) 再普通的人都需要住处 住处

  19. accompany* vt. 陪伴;伴随, 于同时发生;伴奏

    ac(表加强) + company(同伴; 陪伴) 陪伴;伴随

    I accompany the animation girl that in galgame, when other accompany their real girl friend. 😭

  20. accomplish vt. 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划、诺言等)

    ac + compl(看作complete,完成) + ish(使…) 完成

    Eventually, I accomplished what I set out to do when I was 8 years old.

  21. accountancy n. 会计工作,会计职业

    My father worked in accountancy and helps his company avoid unnecessary cost.

    accountant n. 会计师

  22. accredit vt. 信任,相信,为人,授权;把…归于

    ac + credit(信任) 信任,相信

    Our company’s goal is for every employee accredit each other.

  23. accreditation* n. 证明合格,检定合格


    Our school has already reached the standards for the accreditation of colleges.

  24. accumulate* v. 积累;堆积

    ac(表加强) + cumul(堆积) + ate 不断堆积 积累

    I accumulate a lots of Galgame in my pc. 😆

  25. accustom* vt. 使习惯于

    ac(表加强) + custom(风俗,习惯) 使成为习惯 使习惯于

    If you go abroad for further study it will take a period of time for you to accustom yourself to the new environment, the new culture and all the new rules and regulations.

  26. acknowledge* v. 承认,确认;致意;感谢

    ac + know(知道) + ledge 大家都有的知识 承认

    Without acknowledge it, we can’t finish this project.

  27. acoustic* adj. 原声的;声音(学)的;听觉的;

    In the houses near the highway special acoustic seals should be fitted to the doors to reduce noise.

  28. acquaint* vt. (使)认识;(使)熟悉

    Film provides an ideal opportunity to acquaint viewers with something unknown.

  29. acquaintance* n. 熟人;认识,了解

    acquaint + ance(名称后缀) 熟人;认识

    It wan ins the United States that I made the acquaintance of Professor Jones.

  30. acquire* vt. 取得,获得

    ac(表加强) + quir(追求) + e 不断追求才能够获得 获得,取得

    In the process of evolution, monkeys have not acquired the art of speech.

  31. acquisition* n. 取得;获得物

    By acquire

    Tom’s newest acquisition is a luxurious sports car.

  32. acrobat* n. 特解演员;杂技演员

    acro(高) + bat(走) 高空走的人 杂技演员

    They are acrobats with the Albanian State Circus.

  33. acrobatic* adj. 杂技的;杂技般的;杂技演员的

    Jane used to be an acrobatic dancer but three year’s ago, she started to learn fencing.

  34. acumen n. 敏锐;精明

    acu(尖,锐利,酸) + men 敏锐;精明

    Sometimes, organizations with sound financial backing, good product ideas and market acumen under perform and fail to meet shareholders’ expectations.

  35. acupuncture n. 针刺疗法,针灸

    Acupuncture is a kind of Chinese methos of treating pain and illness using special thin needles.

  36. acute adj. 灵敏的;剧烈的,猛烈的

    Dogs have very acute hearing.

  37. adapt* v. 使适合;改编;适应

    ad + apt(适合的) 使合适;适应

    All those older buildings in the city have been adapted for present-day use.​

  38. adaptation n. 适应;改变;改制物

    adapt(改编;适应) + ation(名词后缀) 适应;改编

    The simplicity of Indian ways of life has been judged an evolutionary adaptation to forest ecology.

  39. addict n. 瘾君子

    The most tragical sight of all is the very young addicts

  40. addiction* n. 瘾;沉迷

    For his severe illness he had to fight his addiction to alcohol.

  41. adequate* adj. 充足的;合适的,合格的

    ad(表加强) + equ(平等) + ate 比平时多的 充足的

    Good living habits and adequate health care are critical factors of governing health.

  42. adhere* vi. 黏附;遵守;坚持

    ad(表加强) + her(黏附) + e 连服;遵守

    Our firm has a set of standards which adhere to international requirements.

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